Monday, October 8, 2012

Breakfast shakes!

This morning's post will be short, as I have a lot of cleaning and organizing ahead of me! I just wanted to share the delicious smoothie I just made for breakfast. The recipe is from the Nike Training Club app for the iPhone. There are rewards for intervals of time spent doing workouts, and one was a batch of yummy smoothie recipes.

Lean Green Smoothie


2 slices of melon
1/2 bag of fresh spinach
1/2 mango
1/4 cucumber
2 cups apple juice
2 tbsp yogurt
Ice cubes
Handful of fresh mint (optional)


Blend spinach first, then add everything else. I used Strawberry Banana yogurt because I did not have any plain, but any type would work, depending on  your preference. I also skipped the mint because I have a strong aversion to anything minty.

I am going to enjoy the rest of the yogurt along with my smoothie!

I have also finished editing the photos from my session with the Hipples. Check out the finished album on Facebook or Carbonmade

Have a great day!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Photographer Tip #1: Why You Should Hire A Photographer

A common myth right now is that professional photographers are becoming obsolete. Why should you spend hundreds to thousands of dollars on a photographer's time when Aunt Sue or Grandpa Bill has a "nice camera?" All you need is a DSLR camera with a fancy lens, right? This sentiment could not be more wrong, and I want to demonstrate my point using a photo from my most recent session. The first photo was created using only the Black and White Adjustment Layer in Photoshop.

This is the effect that any preset black and white conversion will produce, as well as the result of sending your digital files to Snapfish or Walmart and requesting black and white prints. The image you are left with is flat and uninteresting because all of the color information has been removed without any additional adjustment.

The second photo is the final, properly edited version of the above photo.

See the difference? If you want beautifully preserved memories, it is worth it to spend the extra money on a professional.

Thursday, September 27, 2012


Hi everyone! This is my first post, so I will tell you a little bit about myself and why I am starting this blog. My name is Julia, and I am in my twenties. For years I have wanted to start a blog, but was not sure that I had anything of interest to say. Recently, I started my own photography business and wanted to start a blog for it when I realized I have no actual blogging experience. I regularly read many but have never posted on my own. So here I am, jumping headfirst into the world of blogging!

I currently have an average corporate 8 to 5 day job during the week. On the evenings and weekends I am currently working to expand my photography business, This Infinite Moment Photography. I am still working on an actual website and blog, so for now you can look at my work and get in contact with me on my Facebook page. I specialize in portrait photography but am open for trying anything new, from special events to weddings to even pet photography. I am located in South Central Pennsylvania, but am willing to travel for the right client. I love photography and I cannot think of a better job than making people happy by capturing memories.

I have a degree in Communication and a degree in Photography. In the future, hopefully not too distant, I would like to return to finish a higher degree in Communications. One of the biggest markets in this field right now is social media, so I think it is vital for me to at least experiment with every different source available.

One of my favorite social networks is Pinterest. It consumes my time like nowhere else, but it is an amazing reference. I have boards concerning everything from recipes and fashion to photography and fitness tips. I don not just post and forget. I am constantly going back through my past pins to find that perfect recipe or workout plan or hairstyle that I want to try. Pinterest has helped me to organize all my different postings and wishlists that I previously had elsewhere.

I am constantly searching Pinterest for new ideas. Some of the hobbies I currently have are cooking and baking, crafting and creating DIY projects, decorating my home, gardening (usually unsuccessfully), working out and eating healthy, organizing, and thrifting (especially fashion). A few years ago I had dark purple walls (shudder) and an unkempt bed, I never put away anything, especially  not clothing, and I could care less. My home now is spotless, or as close as I can get; living with a guy in his twenties makes this difficult at time, especially when his friends come over. I love finding new ideas to organize all of our "stuff" and making our living space more visually appealing and functional. I also enjoy creating amazing outfits from thrift store and yard sale finds, and often refashion many of my purchases. I am always open to learning new things about everything, and I strive to use online resources to achieve this.

I will try to update often on our various experiences and experimentation! Stay tuned!